Proven Weight Loss Tips

Proven Weight Loss Tips

by: Beth Scott

There are a lot of "crash" diets out there that promise that you'll drop a considerable amount of weight in days or a week.

I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are not something that will work with your body.

One thing you don't want to do if you are actually serious about losing weight is to follow these fad diets and their ridiculous weight loss tips.

After their ineffectiveness has been proven time and again, people will start to wise up to that particular diet, and will head off in search of a new craze.

Lets be honest, people are always searching for new weight loss tips because they want to lose pounds and they want immediate results, but this is just wishful thinking.

To lose weight permanently and effectively it will be a rather slow progress, all depending on your metabolic rate and how much you need to lose.

There are however some proven tried and true weight loss tips for aiding in the weight loss process, and I can make you familiar with them.

Weight Loss Tip 1

Don't skip breakfast. Whatever you do follow this advice, because otherwise you are much more likely in fact prone to binge later in the day.

Weight Loss Tip 2

Don't eat anything for at least an hour before going to bed.

Weight Loss Tip 3

Don't snack while watching TV. It's acceptable to eat a meal while watching television, but never is snacking at this time acceptable.

Weight Loss Tip 4

Substitute fruits like; bananas, watermelon, plums, peaches, and oranges for sugary treats like; cookies and candy.

Weight Loss Tip 5

Substitute honey for sugar, and carob powder for chocolate in all recipes. These taste just as good if not better when used properly.

Weight Loss Tip 6

Eat more vegetables. This can even be enjoyable if you have a good cookbook like Good housekeeping's latest edition.

Weight Loss Tip 7

Avoid unnecessary high calorie foods. Instead of a high calorie salad dressing for instance try cottage cheese or yogurt to improve the salads taste and peel off the pounds.

Weight Loss Tip 8

Exercise at least a half hour each day for five days out of the week. Biking on a stationery bike while reading is a great form of exercise to slim legs.

In conclusion there is nothing stopping you from losing weight except yourself. Get off the "I can't do anything about my weight problem" bandwagon and start dropping pounds today! If you want to lose weight and keep it off visit fitness guru Brad Callen's informative website at Weight Loss Revealed

Friendship Is The Beauty Of A Rose.

Friendship Is The Beauty Of A Rose.

by: Rose DesRochers

There is an old English Proverb that goes like this a friend in need is a friend indeed. How true! Having a special friend you can turn to in good times and in bad is a beautiful and splendiferous thing. Leo F. Buscaglia said: "A single rose can be my garden...a single friend my world, "To illustrate this point, let me tell you a story about friendship.
The Beauty of a Rose

I was walking through the forest and through the bushes I heard weeping .I followed the sound of the soft cry until I arrived at a woman sitting upon the snow .Her eyes were filled with tears and her heart heavy from life. I sat upon the cold snow with her and I offered her my shoulder and my ears.

"What is your name", she asked". I smiled at her and I said, "My name is Faith, my middle name is hope and my last name is compassion. I saw a faint smile come upon her face as I asked her "what is your name? " "My name is flower child and "I had given up on hope, faith was something I was loosing site of and I have no more compassion to give. "

I asked her if I may read her a poem and through the poem I showed her self-worth .That it was more important for her to have self worth for when she loved herself others would love her to. I showed her reality, that you can not save the world if people don't or won't listen. I spoke of how important it was to have a compassion for others.

I showed her praise, I praised her for staying strong when she had given up on faith. I showed her patience as this was something not easy for any of us. Things take time I told her. Sometimes people just don't want to accept what is in front of them. I told her to please hang on that someday they may learn respect. I then said to her this you see flower child this is hope

We sat and talked awhile and I saw a smile come back through flower Childs eyes. I picked up a wild Rose that was laying there in the snow. I placed the rose it in her hand. It wasn't everyday you had roses in winter. This is friendship the most important of all things in our life. It is truly as rare as this rose in the snow. When you receive it cherish it and don't ever let it die.

Then I smiled, I handed her a piece of paper with my number on it and I walked away. She called me the next day and I heard join in her soft voice. She told me that she had thought of me and I truly lived up to my name. I think she found her faith, her hope and her compassion. She said she found it in me but I think she had it in her all along. But what she did not have was the friendship of a Rose or an earth angel to help guide her along

We all need someone in life to say I believe in you. Friendship is as rare as a rose in the snow. When you receive it cherish it don't let it ever die. Life is too short not to cherish those who show us compassion. Don't let silly things stand in our way. For friendship is the beauty of a rose.

About the Author: Rose DesRochersadmin@todays-woman.nethttp://www.todays-woman.netRose is a published author and web columnist from Canada Ontario and she is also the founder of Today's Woman a community for men and women over 18, where writers/poets/columnists meet and exchange ideas, contest, rate and review and help each other succeed in the writing industry.

The Pure Truth About 'All Natural' Products and Other Beauty

The Pure Truth About 'All Natural' Products and Other Beauty

by: Deanna Ferber

Myth: "All Natural" Beauty Products Are Best

Pure Truth: First of all, there are not really any 'all natural' products available for commercial sale. Unless you make them yourself, and are prepared to refrigerate them & use them within a few days, you really can't find any. This is because, just as in food products, the ingredients are perishable.

Just think what would happen to a jar of 'natural' ingredients sitting on your vanity... The smell alone would keep me from opening the lid, let alone touching it! So beauty products, like foods, use preservatives to give them added shelf time. When you buy products, they have to last through storage with the company, shipping and still have some time left for you to use them. As for the term 'natural' it is not even regulated. This means any company can call their product natural, no matter what it contains.

Myth: Chemicals Are Bad For Your Skin

Pure Truth: Not all chemicals are bad for your skin. Just as medicines are chemical or synthetic versions of medicinal plants, so the science of chemistry brings us beauty products. Many natural ingredients have been re-created in synthetic form for ease of use & distribution, which can also make them cheaper to supply.

Myth: Product Packaging Does Nothing But Add To The Price

Pure Truth: Many people believe there is no importance to the packaging of beauty products, that the bottles and jars are just made 'neat looking' in order to make us buy the products. This can be true, but with some of the 'new' beauty ingredients, packaging has a much larger, more important role. Some ingredients are considered unstable, meaning they are affected by sunlight and air exposure. For those ingredients, like retinol and some antioxidants, the packaging is a big deal. If you want to get some use of what you paid for, look for packaging that limits the products exposure. This may mean a dark colored container, or those similar to pharmaceutical products.

Myth: Buying Beauty Products Is a Gamble

Pure Truth: If you want to avoid buying products that simply don't work, being an educated consumer is your best bet. For the best information on cosmetics ingredients in the US, go to the FDA site. This site also has information on labeling & label claims.

There are also several websites with product reviews, done by independent consumers, just like you. The best sites will post the reviewers' information, so you can get an idea if the reviewer's skin type, age etc. is similar to your own. Two review sites are and reviews. You may also try the various message boards devoted to beauty. These boards are a great place to get information on new products or companies before you buy. And reputable companies will allow exchanges and refunds. If the company you are considering doesn't, look for another... In the competitive beauty game, you can always find a company that is more like to cover your bet.

Deanna Ferber is President of GlamKitty, a cosmetics and skin care company dedicated to helping Busy Women with 9 Lives find their own Tabby Chic (tm). Take a 'paws' in your day at

Beauty as a Sexual Object

Beauty as a Sexual Object

by: Punkerslut

To fall in love --

considered by some as the ultimate quest in life, and prepared by others with a constant and unending flow of fantasies, dreams, and enchanting ideas. And what we find sometimes to be so uniquely freakish of a fetish of our own, so personally vaulted and denied at every conscious inquiry -- we find, in fact, that it is a secrecy of our own sexuality and our own fantasies, that disallows us from discovering that, what we find to be deviant is actually commonplace in the minds of all individuals. There is no person whose sexual ideas are unique, no fantasy of anyone that is not based on the same roots of the fantasies of others. This is sexuality, a social and emotional facet of every human. So, it must be granted as truth, that it is the repression of sexuality in our society, that convinces us that our own sexuality is a freak, a deviancy, an intolerably disgusting and improper attitude. Despite the fact that sexuality has been an intrinsic part of the lives of the hundreds and hundreds of millions of people, or the hundreds of billions of animals, there are still some puritanical ideas of people to oppose it. And, even if sexuality weren't commonplace, one would think that the argument of "so long as none are harmed, let it be," would be enough to justify it. I think that it was not a matter of argument, but one of shame and repression, that granted the puritan-minded people to believe and preach as they do.

If, in fact, those of the puritanical ideas had no conception of sexuality, I do not believe they could have the will to rally against sex. If it is just a fact of life, nothing that personally effected them, then it would not be something they could muster so much unforgiving hate for. Alas, I do not think these puritanical ideas have done much of anything to uplift the personality of goodness or the character of charity. The idea that sex is an evil is not a friend of the ideals of kindness, intelligence, or truth. These puritanical soldiers have done nothing but bog down the structure of civilization, waging a war against our own animal nature. By seeing their own feelings of sexuality, experiencing the desires and urges, the thoughts and inhibitions, puritans find themselves villified with their own character, ashamed and mortified. I think that people manage to put anger, passion, and strong, powerful emotions into vengeance, when it is their own personal nature that they are attacking. The puritans have allowed themselves to be cruel, brutal, and absolutely cold blooded in their war against sex. As the blood running through civilization warmed, the extent to which they were allowed to fight has been limited and limited. Tortures and murders were an intrinsic part of the original Puritan culture, when it came to their attitude about punishing sex.

It is a rather popular statement, that beaty is in the eye of the beholder. Yet everyone seems to interpret this statement differently. The fact that someone or something is beuatiful is only true because there is a critic to call it that. No artwork exemplified beauty without an onlooker, no song brought forward melody without a listener, no poem created peacefulness or rage without a reader. There can be no argument to this. We find, also, that just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is ugliness in the eye of the beholder. The same artwork that was called beautiful by one may be called ugly, disgusting, or otherwise unappealing by another. It is here that the true meaning of the phrase may be captured. The only reason why something is appealing or unappealing, attractive or unattractive, is because there is a mind in the sensory organs there to judge. The ideas of what is or is not gorgeous, enchanting, homely, or wretched are all dependent upon the viewer. Then we apply these ideas to a person. One's voice is seen as glorious in tone or rancid in quality. The face and body become a considerable work of art or a defaced panting, or something in between or to a more extreme. Judging a body and a face, though, as beautiful or ugly, is a much different action than judging a painting as either beautiful or ugly.

A person, unlike a painting or a poem, is conscious, capable of emotion and happiness. All of a sudden, their physical attributes become subject to criticism and judgment. What is the purpose, though, of finding someone attractive or unattractive? The simple and obvious answer is for thepurpose of mating and procreation. Now that the reason for appeal or unappeal, in a person's beauty anyway, has been uncovered, another question remains open. If a person's outter shell can be judged as ugly or beautiful, by one person or another, and since this judgment does not help us to determine their character, should we disregard beauty and ugliness as a deterent to a person's true self?

Of those individuals who call themselves Freethinkers, artists, independent minds, lovers of intelligence and friends of liberty, it is the typical attitude that a person's emotions and way of thinking is in fact a part of their intrinsic self. There can be no greater proof of this than experience: beautiful people may be cruel and heartless, as the ugly people can be intelligent and meaningful, and vice versa. A person's beauty does not determine the way they think. It does not make them more kind or charitable, nor does it instill in them attributes of vice or cruelty. This fact, I imagine will meet with no argument from those whom have experienced the world. The Freethinkers, though, have further advanced this position, by incorporating this philosophy int their personal lives. They do not judge people on their image, and accept friendship and affection from someone regardless of theri looks, and they are not less scornful of a brutal person no matter their beauty. They have taken a rational position and they must be commended for that. In another way, some of them have incorporated their philosophy into their sexuality, either consciously or unconsciously. For example, they find someone attractive based on their ideas, their character, their way of thinking and personality. One's physical body becomes esxually arrousing once they are identified with ideas of justice and goodness. They have not warded off human sexuality, so they have much more mindfulness and personal awareness than the puritans. In some cases, a Freethinker who fell in love with someone for their ideas, after the berakup, individuals they see resembling their initial love, even if socially considered unattractive, are considered attractive by the Freethinker.

So it happens, that the phrase comes to us, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," and we find that beautiful and ugly are relative terms, subjective in that they are exsiting only in the mind. Our natural response to this is that a person cannot wholly be judged by their physical, since they are conscious. they are capable of thoughts, ideas, emotions. Thus we find every Freethinker and independent individual falling in love with a personality of a person, irregardless of physical appeal.

There is one fact that must be treated, though. An individual cannot have sex with a personality. As much as the idea is desired, physical affection cannot be given to a thought, an idea, or a character. It is necessary that a body is there. Admiration of an individual and their thoughts is never so pure or heart-warming as when there is a face for that individual, by which emotions and even ideas can be expressed. The look of ease, of a person laying down at the end of a long day, or a look of interest and intrigue, fascinated by the current occurrences, or a look of boldness and strength, defending what we believe in and what we fight for. The analytical expression, unsatisfied with what we know, delving through thoughts, facts, memories, to develope a more just theory -- the expression of deep thought, it allows us a a greater admiration of the deep thought itself. Nothing can greater express sadness than a story one wished to levie by retelling, accompanied by tears.

This is just the face alone: eyes compliment diw th brows, a mouth given a tongue, and a nose, the rest covered with skin enveloping ten thousand muscle strands, all of which can combine to tell us thoughts and emotions. Anger and aggression, sadness and solemnness, pleasure and euphoria, exhaustion and rest -- all feelings by which we can purely communicate to another by the contraction or relaxation of our face muscles. The blessing of the voice adds to whatever feeling we are comunicating, even if we are not speaking actual words. In fact, the emotion or facial expression delivers is dramatically heightened and empathically understood those vocal sounds which transcend all human language, particularly when we express a sudden pain, joy, or understanding.

Then, we are to consider the rest of the body. There are few words so reassuring, as a gentle, affectionate, and understanding touch. The idea of love can be written in a million poems and a thousand essays, which help us understand it in a reflective manner, but few things are so realistically understood as love when through the physical act of it; it is so logical to believe that experience is necessary to knowledge in this situation, just as it is impossible to know the true nature of terror without going through war, or other experiences. Lips, eyelashes, and other facial features, gently caressing, touching, or nuzzling the intimate or even common parts of the body: love-making, never so real or pure as can be demonstrated through experience. Those gentle parts, the neck, the stomach, the inner arms, find themselves also to be the most intimately felt. Perhaps it is the nature of evolution: ourselves becoming most protective of our most vulnerable parts, that they can also be the most intimate parts, because we feel that we want our lovers to feel those parts which we are most aware of. The other parts, the spinal column, the inner fore arms, the hands, though we are not only protective of them, we regard them during sex as gentle and intimate.

Understand, though, that up to this point, of the necessity of a body for physical expression and physcial love, I have said nothing of beauty, spoken no words on one's complection as it is concerned to sex. I have only demonstrated the purity of expression when physical, when either in body and through the face. Yet there may be something rather unsettling, or otherwise seemingly contradictory about these thoughts. Those who have based their opinion on Freethought and independence, have argued that the physical complection, of beautiful or ugly, is not accurately indicative of a person's inner character. But, on the other hand, the body allows us the most pure and affectionate method of expressing our desires.

I suppose that it must be admitted that one's body and face is an important part of love and sexuality. Whether we find one's body to be beautiful or not, the existence of such a body is important. But, beauty can even play a positive role in this. A body may in fact be considered indefferent, perhaps somewhat ugly or holmely. But, once that body has a personality, an opinion, an ideal, a character, these things alone may be enough for us to find them attractive physically. The same can be said of a body we initially find attractive, but then we hear a rather unintelligent, thoughtless mind speak, a rather cocky personality, and an otherwise unattractive character, and we find them ugly physically. It is not always the case, but it happens to be true often. Thus, beauty, no matter what it comes from, a physical complection, is necessary to a meaningful relationship.

Before ending this dissertation, there are still some thoughts on beauty that will not rest in my heart until I have fully explained them. As I stated before, there are many people who would find it immature or thoughtless to love or deeply care about someone just by their physical complection. But, it is almost a thing of serenity, when a young boy's passions are enveloped around just the image of a girl. Granted, he may not be thoughtful in his quest, but he is listening to his desires. The thoughts and ideas that are spurning in his mind may be misguided, but they are gorgeous, wonderful, and even comforting. Fantasies may be pplayed out where just a kindly personality is placed in the boy's fictionaly apparition of her. He will feel joy when he imagines her impressed with every aspect of him, and very loving and caring of him. The same can be said of a girl and her affection for any handsome man.

With this, I end. I can only hope that I have enlightened some minds.

For Life,



Punkerslut (or Andy Carloff) has been writing essays and poetry on social issues which have caught his attention for several years. His website provides a complete list of all of these writings. His life experience includes homelessness, squating in New Orleans and LA, dropping out of high school, getting expelled from college for "subversive activities," and a myriad of other revolutionary actions.

Ayurvedic Indian Medicine - Triphala

Ayurvedic Indian Medicine - Triphala

by: John Dawson

Triphala, the internal cleanser that purifies and strengthens

Are you persistently irregular? Yes, you're uncomfortable, but if you're about to reach for the laxatives, stop!

Indian Ayurvedic medicine's Triphala, in Elite's own unique formula, will do much more for you than any ordinary herbal laxative. Triphala is the most popular herbal formula in India, where it's much revered for its powers, and it's becoming known in the West.

Triphala is exceptional because not only does it function as a laxative, it's also an all-round health booster. Triphala will end constipation and make you regular, and it will also completely tone and regularise your system.

Many minor health conditions, like overweight and chronic tiredness aren't illnesses in themselves. However, they are signs of an imbalance in the body. Triphala regularises all your body's systems.

The two kinds of herbal laxative and why Triphala is different

Today many people live a relatively sedentary lifestyle. They work at an office, where they sit all day. They walk to their car, then spend the evening in front of the TV.

It's no wonder that herbal laxatives are so popular. However, as efficient as your laxative may be, it's not helping you to good health.

Let's look at the two main kinds of herbal laxatives: purgative laxatives, and bulk-creating laxatives.

A purgative natural laxative contains herbs such as senna, rhubarb, buckthorne and cascara. They work by stimulating the peristaltic action in the intestine, and can work very quickly and violently.

The other common kind of herbal laxative is one that creates bulk with herbs like such as psyllium and flax seed. These laxatives work by swelling and absorbing water, so that natural peristalsis of the body occurs.

Of the purgatives and bulk-creating laxatives, only the bulk-creators provide any nutrition - and then only a tiny amount.

Triphala is different. Yes, it's laxative, but it's also much more. It's been called the body's own natural mother, because it cares for the body's internal organs like a mother caring for her child.

Amazing Triphala: your key to good health

Amazing Triphala supports every system of your body, including the nervous system, the excretory system, the digestive system, and the circulatory system.

This wonderful combination of Indian fruits is a tonic for your heart, as well as for your liver. It has also been found to be effective in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and colitis.

Triphala starts its work by cleansing and detoxifying your entire body, giving you a fresh start on your journey to bouncing health and vital energy. It tones the digestive tract, so that you never need to feel bloated again.

Triphala helps your digestion: it makes sure that your body extracts every particle of nourishment from the food you eat. This is especially important as we age, because all our systems slow down - Triphala helps your digestion to work smoothly, relieving symptoms like heartburn and gastric reflux, and improving the assimilation of food.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, Triphala has been found to reduce blood pressure.

Around middle age, gall bladder problems, with associated inflammation in the bowel, is a common problem. Since Triphala is both antiviral and antibacterial, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, which relieves pain.

Once you start on Triphala, you'll find that it regulates both constipation and diarrhoea, so that you're never troubled by these common ailments.

How should you use Triphala?

To maintain health, once started Triphala should be taken every day for life, working up to three tablets per day.


Elite's Triphala is the unique formula which has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic herbalism. It formula contains equal portions of three Indian fruits, amla (Embilica officinalis), behada (Terminalia belerica) and harada (Terminalia chebula). You're assured that you're getting the same formula that you'd get if you attended a practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine.

About the author:

John has been involved in the health & wellness industry for a number of years. The human body requires good nutrition to renew, repair and rejuvenate itself on a daily basis.
John created http://www.LifeStyleSuccess2007.comfrom his experiences and personal success and now supplies cutting edge, scientifically backed nutritional products

Garlic: A Quick Guide

Garlic: A Quick Guide
by: Tim Sousa

Garlic, there's nothing like the smell of garlic. It's great in soups and sauces, roasted with meats or on it's own, and it's wonderful mixed with butter and slathered on bread and then baked.

The scientific name for garlic is Allium Sativum. It is related to the lily and the onion. Although related to the onion, and having a flavor that very slightly resembles that of an onion, garlic does not bring tears to the eyes when chopped.

When buying fresh garlic, be sure that the head feels very firm when you squeeze it. Over time, garlic will soften and begin to sprout, which turns the garlic bitter. To store fresh garlic, keep it in a dark, cool place, such as the basement. Do not refrigerate or freeze the garlic, as it will begin to loose it's taste.

To peel a clove of garlic, place it on a cutting board, and put the flat of the blade of the knife against it. Press down on the other side of the blade with the heel of your hand, flattening the garlic slightly. The skin will come right off.

The strong flavor and odor of garlic come from sulfur compounds within the cells. The more cells that are broken, the stronger the flavor of the garlic will be. For the mildest flavor, just use a whole or slightly crushed clove of garlic. For a bit stronger flavor, slice or chop the garlic, and for the strongest flavor, mash the garlic into a paste.

Cooking garlic tames the strong flavor, and changes it in different ways, depending on how it's cooked. If using in a sauce, it can be sweated or sauteed. In sweating the garlic, it is first chopped finely, and then added to a cold pan with some oil, it is then gently heated, causing the oil to become infused with the garlic flavor. To sautee garlic, heat the oil in the pan first, and then add the chopped garlic, stirring frequently, and being careful not to let the garlic burn and become bitter.

Roasting the garlic softens the flavor, and makes it soft and perfect for mixing with cream cheese to spread onto toast, or just spread on the toast itself.

To roast the garlic, take a whole head of garlic, and remove the papery outer skin. Place the garlic on a piece of aluminum foil, and drizzle with some olive oil. Loosely wrap the garlic in the foil, and place it into a 350 degree oven for 1 hour. Remove the garlic and let it cool. When cool enough to handle, separate the cloves of garlic, and squeeze each one. The flesh should pop right out. The roasted garlic is great mixed with cheese or potatoes, or on it's own.

Don't be afraid to use garlic in your cooking. Garlic is flavorful, and healthful, and of course, it will keep those pesky vampires away.

About the author:
Tim Sousa is the webmaster for http://www.classy-cooking.coman online directory of free recipes.

Circulated by Bandoni Media

Garam Masala - The Spices of India

Garam Masala - The Spices of India
by: Alden Smith
India is known for its excellent cuisine, it's unique regions of cooking, and a pleasant dining experience. India is distinguished in the world's cuisine for it vegetarian dishes. One thing all of the regional cuisines of India have in common is it's use of spices.

Garam masala is an essential ingredient in the cooking of the Punjab region of northern India. Loosely defined, "masala" is any blend of spices, and "garam" means hot.

Generally, garam masala is added to the dish very shortly before serving to enhance flavor. Garam Masala is also an excellent rub for chicken and beef.

Garam masala is available prepared in ethnic groceries, and specialty stores such as World Market. The disadvantage of this is that one doesn't know how old the spices are, or what changes in temperatures and packaging it has been subjected to. One takes a chance on the potency and fragrance of this blend if it is bought already prepared. It is a simple process to make garam masala, and ingredients, with the exception of cardamom pods, are readily available. cardamom pods are available in Indian and natural food stores. Buy the green pods versus the white pods, which are bleached. Cardamom is an expensive spice, second only in price to saffron. It is expensive because it has to be hand picked. This spice is best used by toasting the seed removed from the pod, and then ground in a spice mill, along with the other ingredients of garam masala. Cardamom loses its essential oils and flavors quickly after being cracked and ground, and so buying the pods and toasting and grinding is the best method of use for this great spice.

To make Garam Masala, use the following ingredients:

2 cardamom pods, seeded
1 teaspoon whole cloves
30 whole peppercorns
2 teaspoons whole cumin seed
1 2-inch piece cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

The best method for making garam masala is to toast and then grind the ingredients. This is accomplished by placing the seed ingredients one at a time in a pan over medium high heat, and shaking them until they just begin to smoke and release their distinctive aromas. It will take approximately 1-3 minutes. Be sure not to burn the seeds!

Place the toasted ingredients in a spice mill, and grind to a fairly fine mixture. The garam masala can then be stored in a tightly sealed glass jar for up to 6 months. Any time after that, and the spices will begin to lose flavor and aroma.

I use garam masala for a rub for roasted or grilled chicken and beef. The aroma and flavor are outstanding, and chicken baked or grilled will retain the excellent flavor of the garam masala.

Try garam masala today. Cooking with the spices of northern India is an experience that every adventurous chef should try!

About the author:
Alden Smith is an award winning and published author who has been marketing on the internet for over 7 years. Visit his website http://www.allthebestrecipes.comfor great articles, recipes, and cooking tips.

Circulated by Bandoni Media

Eat your Veggies! Simple Cooking Methods

Eat your Veggies! Simple Cooking Methods

Vegetables add colour, taste, texture and bulk to our daily diet. There are dozens of different vegetables that can be prepared in literally hundreds of ways. So what's best?

There is no best. The thing to do is to eat your vegetables, lots of them, everyday in a wide variety of ways and stop worrying about the preparation methods. Variety is the key...


Many vegetables taste fabulous just the way they are straight out of the garden. Lettuce, tomato, celery, cabbage, onion, radish, carrot are obvious choices here. But they are just as likely to find themselves next to chopped up broccoli, cauliflower, peas, beans and zucchini on a starter platter with dips. Wash 'em, chop 'em and eat 'em. Oh, yeah, you could also make a salad!


Steaming heats the vegetable and softens it's texture. It's gentler than boiling and allows the vegetable to maintain it's colour if not overdone. Use a stainless steel steamer that will fit into most good size sauce pans. Make sure you use a pan with a tight fitting lid. There should be enough water to just touch the bottom of the steamer. Water should be simmering the whole time the vegetables are being cooked.


Boiling vegetables is really going out of fashion, but it's a legitimate preparation method! The big concern is loss of nutrients. All cooking methods result in the loss of some goodness from the vegetables. If boiling, try to find a way to use the water the vegetables have been boiled in (i.e. to make a gravy or sauce) to bring those nutrients back to the table. Vegetables should be barely covered with water. Bring the water to a boil (covered) then slow to a simmer until vegetables are tender.


Very popular for vegetables as it retains colour, flavour and nutrients. Trial and error will be your guide with microwaving as there are plenty of variables involved. However, a few guidelines will help...The more food you put into the oven, the longer it will take to cook. Underestimate your cooking time rather than overestimate. Undercooked food can be cooked some more. Over-cooked food is ruined. Food straight from the fridge will take longer to cook than that at room temperature. All food continues to cook after it has been removed from the microwave oven. It is part of the cooking process and should be taken into account to prevent over-cooking.

Stir Fry

Very rapid method of quick frying vegetables, meat (optional) and sauces in one pan to make a meal. Primarily associated with Asian cooking. The key to doing this well is preparation. All items to be cooked should be chopped to a size that will allow them to cook quickly in the wok. It is also important that the wok is heated to a high, consistent temperature throughout. Vegetables maintain their colour and crispness with this sort of cooking (if not overdone).


Brilliant! Especially for those 'root' vegetables like potatoes, turnip, carrot and beetroot. Chop into similar size pieces, brush lightly with olive oil and put in a hot oven to roast. Size of the pieces will determine the cooking time but expect at least 40 minutes. Outside is chewy, inside is moist and fluffy. Dress with sour cream and chives. Yum!


Does anything scream summer like the word barbeque? Love a barbeque. This is primarily open flame cooking, so could apply to a campfire as well. Cooking outside just changes everything about food. You'll need foil, fire and fresh veggies. Grease your foil, chop your veggies and put the closed packages on the grill. Be adventurous, it's really hard to mess this up!

Judy Williams ( splits her time between being a media executive and an earth mother goddess. No Dig Vegetable Gardens represents a clean, green way to grow your own food. The site covers all aspects of growing, cooking and preserving your harvest.

Ayurveda tips to overcome ED

Ayurveda tips to overcome Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction which is a very common complaint can be generally rectified by following few simple steps. Here goes the list of simple but effective tips to rectify erectile dysfunction.

Avoid consumption of alcohol. If you are addicted to alcohol restrict the intake. Alcohol acts on central nervous system and causes erectile dysfunction.

Keep away from smoking. Men who smoke suffer from erectile dysfunction than men who do not. It is evident from researches. Smoking causes formation of plaques in arteries (atherosclerosis) which obstruct the blood flow.

Avoid working for long hours. Take a break from regular routine at week ends and spend time with your partner.

Practice Yoga and meditation regularly to keep away anxiety, depression and stress. Meditation and Yoga are best stress busters.

Do not have the fear of not getting hard erections or do not doubt your ability to satisfy your partner. It will lead to psychological ED.

Happy and comfortable atmosphere at home is very essential to stimulate sexual desire and keep sexually healthy.

Exercise regularly and daily. Brisk walk for 45 minutes is the best exercise which keeps the cardiovascular system healthy. Researches have shown that the incidences of erectile dysfunction are less in men who regularly exercise.

Weight reduction helps to increase testosterone level and increases sexual energy and stamina. Weight reduction helps to keep hypertension and diabetes in control. Diabetes causes erectile dysfunction and anti hypertensive medications may cause erectile dysfunction.

Marijuana, heroin, cocaine etc cause erectile dysfunction. Withdrawing from addiction to the above mentioned substances really helps in increasing erections and sexual stamina.

Reduce the frequency of masturbation. Masturbating twice in a week is ideal. .

Massage whole body with herbal oil at least once in a week. This increases sexual energy and stamina. Body massage (abhyanga) is mentioned as the best aphrodisiac in Ayurveda.

Sleep at least for 8 hours a day. Body gets energized with good sleep.

Do not control natural urges. Empty your bladder before going to bed with your partner.

Take all steps to prevent indigestion and constipation. Indigestion and constipation vitiate doshas and cause diseases. Hard erections will not occur when body is not healthy.

Avoid hot, spicy and bitter foods which imbalance vata . According to Ayurveda imbalanced vata causes erectile dysfunction.

Give a gap of four days between two consecutive intercourses.

Regularly consume Vajikarana Preparations. Vajikarana preparations always keep men sexually healthy.

Give a gap of four days between two consecutive intercourses.

Dr.SavithaSuri , ; B.A.M.S

Herbal Vinegars

Herbal Vinegars

A pantry full of herbal vinegars is a constant delight. Preserving fresh herbs and roots in vinegar is an easy way to capture their nourishing goodness. It’s easy, too. You don’t even have to have an herb garden.

Basic Herbal Vinegar -
Takes 5 minutes plus 6 weeks to prepare

You will need:
• glass or plastic jar of any size up to one quart/liter
• plastic lid for jar or
• waxed paper and a rubber band
• fresh herbs, roots, weeds
• one quart/liter apple cider vinegar

Fill any size jar with fresh-cut aromatic herbs. (See accompanying list for suggestions of herbs that extract particularly well in vinegar.) For best results and highest mineral content, be sure the jar is well filled with your chosen herb, not just a few sprigs, and be sure to cut the herbs or roots up into small pieces. Pour room-temperature apple cider vinegar into the jar until it is full. Cover jar with a plastic screw-on lid, several layers of plastic or wax paper held on with a rubber band, or a cork. Vinegar disintegrates metal lids.

Label the jar with the name of the herb and the date. Put it some place away from direct sunlight, though it doesn’t have to be in the dark, and someplace that isn’t too hot, but not too cold either. A kitchen cupboard is fine, but choose one that you open a lot so you remember to use your vinegar, which will be ready in six weeks.

Apple cider vinegar has been used as a health-giving agent for centuries. Hippocrates, father of medicine, is said to have used only two remedies: honey and vinegar. A small book on Vermont folk remedies–primary among them being apple cider vinegar–has sold over 5 million copies since its publication in the fifties. A current ad in a national health magazine states that vinegar can give me a longer, healthier, happier life. Among the many powers of vinegar: it lowers cholesterol, improves skin tone, moderates high blood pressure, prevents/counters osteoporosis, and improves metabolic functioning. Herbal vinegars are an unstoppable combination: the healing and nutritional properties of vinegar married to the aromatic and health-protective effects of green herbs (and a few wild roots).

Herbal vinegars don’t taste like medicine. In fact, they taste so good I use them frequently. I pour a spoonful or more on beans and grains at dinner; I use them in salad dressings; I season stir-fry and soups with them. This regular use boosts the nutrient-level of my diet with very little effort and virtually no expense. Sometimes I drink my herbal vinegar in a glass of water in the morning, remembering the many older women who’ve told me that apple cider vinegar prevents and eases their arthritic pains. I aim to ingest a tablespoon or more of mineral-rich herbal vinegar daily. Not just because herbal vinegars taste great (they do!), but because they offer an easy way to keep my calcium levels high (and that’s a real concern for a menopausal woman of fifty). Herbal vinegars are so rich in nutrients that I never need to take vitamin or mineral pills.

Why vinegar? Water does a poor job of extracting calcium from plants, but calcium and all minerals dissolve into vinegar very easily. You can see this for yourself. Submerge a bone in vinegar for six weeks. What happens? The bone becomes pliable and rubbery. Why? The vinegar extracted the minerals from the bone. (And now the vinegar is loaded with calcium and other bone-building minerals!)

After observing this trick its not unusual to fear that if you consume vinegar your bones will dissolve. But you’d have to take off your skin and sit in vinegar for weeks in order for that to happen! Adding vinegar to your food actually helps build bones because it frees up minerals from the vegetables you eat. Adding a splash of vinegar to cooked greens is a classic trick of old ladies who want to be spry and flexible when they’re ancient old ladies. (Maybe your granny already taught you this?) In fact, a spoonful of vinegar on your broccoli or kale or dandelion greens increases the calcium you get by one-third.

All by itself, vinegar helps build bones; and when it’s combined with mineral-rich herbs, vinegar is better than calcium pills. Some people worry that eating vinegar will contribute to an overgrowth of candida yeast in the intestines. My experience has led me to believe that herbal vinegars do just the opposite; perhaps because they’re so mineral rich. Herbal vinegars are especially useful for anyone who can’t (or doesn’t want to) drink milk. A tablespoon of infused herbal vinegar has the same amount of calcium as a glass of milk.

(by Susun Weed)



The skeleton of our body has been provided with special joints or working surfaces where the bones come together. Flexible joints consist of special tissues such as cartilage, ligaments, tendons and capsule or covering for the joint. All these help to bind the bones together. But for real flexibility there must be sufficient lubricant to keep the joint movable and free from pain.

As a rule inflammation occurs most frequently in joints that are used a great deal, such as the fingers, knees, shoulders and spine. Most joint surfaces are smooth and hard, enabling them to carry heavy pressure when in use. The capsule protects the joint from injury and helps to hold the articulating bones in place.

Healthy cartilage is very elastic, able to recoil after any blow or pressure upon its surface. But when this useful substance degenerates there may be a rough grating sound when the joint is moved. Stiffness and pain may follow, particularly in the morning or after a period of rest. The joint may also begin to swell, as excess synovial fluid is poured out to help relieve the pain and heal the tender inflamed joint. All near by tissues, such as tendons, fascia, and muscles may also be involved.

The word arthritis means inflammation of the joints, but in early stages the whole body is usually involved. One or two joints may become completely deformed leaving the patient handicapped and somewhat weakened.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious disease that involves the joints but also the muscles, tendons, and other tissues of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis begins mildly with some swelling, pain and tenderness in the joints of the fingers, wrists, knees and feet. In this disease the joints on each side of the body are often involved at the same time. The joints feel unusually warm, and may appear red, and perhaps even contain some fluid.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic form of arthritis that may involve any joint but is more likely to occur in hardworking joints as the knees or fingers. The other causes of joint pain are: Joint injury, infections like viral infections, bacterial infections etc., joint strains, autoimmune diseases, and nervous system disorder.

Common symptoms of rheumatism are fever, immense pain & stiffness in affected muscles in case of chronic muscular rheumatism. Pain or tenderness in a joint which is aggravated by any movement or activity, such as walking, getting up from a chair, writing, typing, holding an object, throwing a ball, turning a key. Excruciating pain and stiffness in the joints in case of chronic articular rheumatism.


Mix two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm water and take it twice daily. It is highly effective for the treatment of arthritis.

Take half teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water twice a day. It is also beneficial in curing arthritis.

Application of hot packs and ice packs for 10 minutes also provides relief from joint pains.
Drinking alfalfa tea twice daily is also helps in the treatment of arthritis.

Drink some radish juice with sugar added to it to get rid of joint and muscle pains.

Soak Spiegel seeds in water, make a paste and apply it on the joints for immediate relief from pain.

Drink 15 grams of fresh bathu juice daily with an empty stomach without adding any salt or sugar to it.

Massage the affected area with any oil will to provide relief from the pain.

Drink a cup of papaya seed tea six or seven times daily for two or three weeks for relief from joint pain.

Eat porridge of 2 teaspoonfuls of winter cherry with ghee and molasses with an empty stomach for 15 days.

Improvement in the digestion and metabolism of the body is very important for the treatment.

Heavy meals, meat and fish, sour fruits and fried foods should be avoided, as they are difficult to digest.

Consumption of rice during nighttime should be avoided. Among fruits bananas are considered best as they provide strength to the joints and grease them.

Apple cider vinegar also helps to reduce the joint pains.

Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric juice in hot milk. It relieves of all pains in the body.

Prepare a mixture by adding 1/8-teaspoon turmeric, 3 cardamom pods (optional), 1/4-cup water. Simmer 5 to 7minutes, then add: 1 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons almond oil (cold pressed). Bring just to the boiling point (but do not boil). Add honey or maple syrup to taste. Sip slowly as a hot tea. This is an effective home remedy for joint and muscle pains.

Take Aloe Vera juice to get relief from the joint pains.

Aquatic herb Bog bean works as an anti-inflammatory, eating this herb or taking the herb in a supplement form can dramatically help in fighting against the arthritis.

Taking alfalfa tea twice a day makes a good cure.

Another very effective home remedy for joint and muscle pains is - Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey in a small glass of warm water. Take it once or twice a day to get relief.

Rub the aching joints with hot vinegar to get some relief from pain.

Mix two parts pure olive oil and one part kerosene. It makes a wonderful ointment for the affected joints.

Add one-tablespoon cod liver oil to the juice of one orange, whip and drink before sleeping.
One raw clove of garlic every day is very beneficial. This clove can be fried in ghee (clarified butter) or castor oil. Take for 2 months.

Guggulu is very helpful in curing arthritis. Eat half a teaspoon twice a day after meals with warm water.

Drink carrot juice, cucumber juice, eat cooked vegetables and/or vegetable soups, and drink coconut water for a healthy body.

On an empty stomach eat 2-3 walnuts or some coconut. This is also an effective home remedy for joint and muscle pains.

Avoid mental tensions that lead to stress. Lose weight, if necessary, to get close to your ideal weight. If you weigh less, there is less weight on your joints and less pain.


What is Compost Tea?

What is Compost Tea?

Organic gardeners all know compost is fantastic stuff. But now, there's something even better and that's
compost tea.

If you start with a good compost you'll have a versatile elixir for all your garden needs.

Compost tea helps prevent foliage diseases and at the same time increase the nutrients to the plant and shutdown the toxins hurting the plants. It will improve the taste/flavor of your vegetables. So why not give this tea a try either by buying it or brewing it yourself. You won't believe the results!

Four ways that good bacteria work:

Help compete for the nutrients
Dine on the bad varmits
Help produce antibiotics to use against the varmits.
They shove the bad varmits out.

Compost tea that is correctly brewed has a wealth of microorganisms that will benefit your plants' growth and health as well as the soil that they live in. Compost tea can be considered yogurt for the soil. The microorganisms living there are both good and bad. What the tea does is make sure the good guys win by introducing helpful bacteria, fungi, protozoa and beneficial nematodes.

Harmful bacteria lives best in soil that does not have good air circulation. Good bacteria lives best and will thrive in soil that is well ventilated with oxygen. This is where a good compost tea, made the right way, comes in. When you have well oxygenated compost you automatically get rid of 3/4 of the bad varmits. Also by using harmful insecticides or chemical fertilizers we reduce the number of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

Plants produce their own energy and food and half of that goes to the roots and some of that goes into the surrounding soil and guess who gets that? Correct, the good guys, and then it turns into a beneficial cycle.

The following is taken from the internet and shows compost tea is becoming a force in gardening.

Task Force was composed of 13 individuals with knowledge and expertise in organic farming practices, organic certification, EPA pathogen regulations, compost, compost tea production and analysis, plant pathology, food safety and environmental microbiology.

Throughout their discussions, members consistently acknowledged the growing interest among certified organic and conventional growers to use compost teas, and the need to develop effective biologically-based tools to manage plant fertility, pests, and diseases.

A primary reason for producing compost tea is to transfer microbial biomass, fine particulate organic matter, and soluble chemical components of compost into an aqueous phase that can be applied to plant surfaces and soils in ways not possible or economically feasible with solid compost.


धातु पौष्टिक चूर्ण

धातु पौष्टिक चूर्ण
वीर्य पुष्ट करने व शरीर की कमजोरी दूर करने हेतु यह एक ऐसा नुस्खा है, जिसे किसी भी ऋतु में लिया जा सकता है, यानी शीतकाल का होना जरूरी नहीं।कुछ नुस्खे ऐसे होते हैं, जो शीतकाल में ही सेवन किए जा सकते हैं, परंतु इस नुस्खे में यह शर्त लागू नहीं होती।
नुस्खा : गोखरू का महीन पिसा चूर्ण 3 ग्राम,
कतीरा गोंद पिसा हुआ 3 ग्राम और
शुद्ध घी दो चम्मच,
यह एक खुराक है। घी में दोनों पिसे द्रव्य मिलाकर आग पर रख कर थोड़ा पका लें और चाटकर ऊपर से एक गिलास मीठा गर्म दूध पी लें।यह प्रयोग एक बार सुबह व एक बार रात को भोजन के दो घंटे बाद करना चाहिए। इसे लेने के बाद फिर कुछ भी न लें। यह प्रयोग कम-से-कम दो महीने तक करें। ज्यादा तले, खटाई वाले व मिर्च-मसालेदार पदार्थ न खाएँ।

कालमेघ : बना झोलाछाप डाक्टरों की मुसीबत का सबब

कालमेघ :--- बना झोलाछाप डाक्टरों की मुसीबत का सबब
ग्रामीण जनता को अब झोला छाप डाक्टर अब नही ठग सकेगे इससे बचने के लिए कालमेघ का उपयोग कर झोलाछाप डाक्टरों के चंगुल से बच सकेगे. मलेरिया, चिकनगुनिया, डेंगू जैसे घातक रोगों से निपटने मे कालमेघ अमृत के समान है इस समय जबलपुर ओर आसपास के क्षेत्रो मे इन संक्रामक रोगों की भरमार है लोग हजारो की संख्या मे पीड़ित होकर झोला छाप डाक्टरों की शरण ले रहे है ओर झोला छाप डाक्टर इन दिनों भारी कमाई करने मे लगे है ओर जनता को उपचार के नाम पर लूट रहे है यदि ग्रामीण ओर शहरी क्षेत्रो की जनता वन की जड़ी बूटी काल मेघ के काडे का पन्द्रह दिनों तक नियमित सेवन करे तो उसे मलेरिया,डेंगू,टाईफाइड जैसे रोग से मुक्ति मिल सकती है ओर इनके वायरस के लिए कालमेघ काल के समान है, इसके सेवन से पेट की समस्त बीमारियो से निजात पाया जा सकता है यह लीवर के लिए शक्तिवर्धक ओर फायदेमंद है साथ ही साथ यह रक्त को भी शुद्ध करता है ओर चर्म रोग भी नही होते है यदि कोई व्यक्ति काल मेघ का लगातार सेवन करे तो उसे एक साल तक फीवर, बुखार नही हो सकता है


We often see a first-born get jealous of his or her younger sibling, feeling left out and resentful of the fact that its mother no longer belongs exclusively to itself.

Or, we come across children who are jealous of their more talented siblings.

Even if parents are fair-minded and give equal attention to all their kids, one particular child may feel it's being side-lined and ignored.

These are common situations witnessed is many families all over the world.

Problems such as these usually sort themselves out over time with some help and understanding from parents and the extended family, but we do come across a situation where the problem escalates to an extent that it needs intervention and treatment.

The affected child and its parents are often obliged to visit a therapist and undergo sessions of counselling, which can be quite expensive, besides being time-consuming.

In such situations, Bach Flowers called Beech, Holly and Willow can be of immense help. Bach flowers are floral essences, and are very safe and easy to use.

They each have a characteristic of acting on negative emotions, helping a person let go of his intolerance, jealously and resentment, respectively.

Using these flower remedies can save a household from being turned into a battle-zone where daily battles are fought between warring siblings. You get to save on time and money, too!